
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Welcome to your last high school English course! I am very happy to have each of you in my class. We have only 86 days together this semester, but in these days, I hope that you will enjoy the literature and writing experiences as well as improve some language skills before you head to college, the world of work, or the military. Comment below on what you are looking forward to learning this semester or something you would like for us to talk about or write about. (Deadline to post for extra credit is midnight, January 8, 2010)


bsg2011 said...

I want to learn how to write a really good paper. Also, I want to enjoy this class. I am excited about reading the books. I really do not care for reading,but if its a good book I would enjoy it. I hope to be able to walk out of this class with a "A."

Anonymous said...

I want to learn more about grammer and punctuation.In my past classes that has never been my strong point. S.L 2nd block

Anonymous said...

I would like to improve my writing skills. I'm good at writing, but I could use a little refinement. RB-2nd

Colton L. said...

I really want to learn how to write an amazing paper. I like to write, but I need some major improvement on it. I hope to take from this class skills I can use the rest of my life. I really want an "A" as well! CL_2nd

amanda m said...

I would like to learn how to write "good" essasys and learn how to use transactions in my essasys. Also, I would like to learn better vocabulary. AMM2

Anonymous said...

I would like to improve my writing skills. My ideas are always good; I'm just not good at applying them into an essay. I am also really excited about reading the Lord of the flies. I heard it was a great book. JM2ND

HF2BLK said...

I would like to learn more about mythology. I am extremely excited we are reading Beowulf this semester however, I would really like to learn more about Greek Gods and Goddesses and the Mythological roles they play.

mlm18 said...

By the end of this semester i would like to improve my writing skills.Also,I would like to expand my vocabulary skills.

Anonymous said...

I am really excited about being in the class. It seems to me we will be learning a lot. I hope to learn how to write poetry. I am not to fond over the book reading though. I can not wait to see how my grades turn out and what you have in store for us.

Unknown said...

This semester I would like to improve my writing and my vocabulary. It would be nice to go to college knowing more about how to write a paper. I also like to read so I am excited about reading the books in class.