
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Literature of Common Folks

We have read several medieval ballads: "Lord Randall,"  "Edward, Edward," "Get Up and Bar the Door," "Sir Patrick Spens," and "Two Corbies."  Would most people find the ballads interesting?  Why? Which of the ballads did you enjoy most?  Why?  (Deadline to post a response to this blog question is midnight, Friday, September 6,2013.)


Patrick Rager said...

I do not think most people would enjoy them because they are difficult to understand. I enjoyed " Get Up and Bar the Door" the most because it was funny and showed a fued between a different sexes. PR1

Anna Viola said...

I think that if these ballads were written in the English that we speak today they would be enjoyed. However, I enjoy them in their original form regardless. I think my favorites out of the ballads were "Edward, Edward", "Sir Patrick Spens", and "Two Corbies". I liked these specifically because of the dark and macabre mood they had.

Unknown said...

I think people would like them if they were written in modern English. They are kinda hard to understand. I personally enjoyed "Edward, Edward." I really liked the irony at the end. MB1

Unknown said...

I think that people find these ballads interesting because it opens up to a different type of reading. I liked the ballad "Get Up and Bar the Door" because it showed how stubborned people can really be

BlairSchuemann said...

Many people would probably not enjoy these ballads because of the way they are written. "Get up and Bar the Door" was my favorite ballad because I enjoy humor when i'm reading. BS1

Unknown said...

I think that some people might like the ballads while others would not. I like them because they sound different but others might not because they may not be able to understand them. My favorite was "Get Up and Bar the Door" because it proves that women truly are more stubborn than men.

Unknown said...

I believe the ballads are interesting to people, but I feel they would be more interesting if the ballads were in modern day english. My favorite ballad happens to be "Edward, Edward" because it was easier for me to understand compared to the others.