
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Fall Through the Air

Chapter 11, entitled "Castle Rock, " brings us to a very tragic moment in the novel: Piggy's death.  Why do you think Golding has Piggy murdered at Castle Rock?  What is he saying about the archetype that Piggy represents in the novel? What is he saying about Roger?  (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight, Tuesday, April 30, 2013.  No credit will be given to plagiarized responses.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When Piggy was murdered the conch also shattered, which brought the end of the symbols of civilization. Piggy was murdered at Castle Rock because that is the chief's group of savages' territory. It represented them not wanting anything to do with Piggy there because he just wanted everyone to be civilized. Golding could be saying that Piggy has the archetype of an outcast because he doesn't conform to the others. What Golding is saying about Roger is that he is already evil and the less rules and structure he has, the more he let the will to do bad consume him.