
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This belongs to us!

As Ralph looks down from the top of the bastion of the island, he exclaims, "This belongs to us!"  Much like an explorer discovering a new land, Ralph has found himself in charge of a new world--an island of boys.  What advice would you give Ralph to keep in mind as he is chief?  What is the main thing he must do?  Why?  (The deadline to post a response is midnight Thursday, April 19, 2012.)


stiffany0831 said...

Some advice I would give Ralph is don't play around so much. This is not a game. Either they survive or not. I would tell him to make sure he thinks about everybody on the island and not just him or his friends. For example he needs to think about Piggy also. He needs to tells everybody to look for food, things to build shelter and everything else. Last he needs to help and not get full of himself and sit around and make everyone else do everything. That would be some advice I would give Ralph.

md2 said...

My advice to Ralph would be to not get to power greedy. I would tell him to watch out for Jack. I think that Jack is mad that he was not voted cheif and he is a little dangerous.

TJB2nd said...

He needs to build trust, make rules ,and set goals for the group.
He needs to build the trust of the ones that would be able to take control of the group. If he didnt do this they could rebel against him and he'll find himself in a hole where he can't reach the top. Without rules and other regulations a group can go wild. With these rules he needs to have punishments. He needs to make goals for the group this can be who keeps up with the shelter, who hunts, maintains fire, and who handles their water. Also they need to have some since of security at night or during the day if anything is to happen. Other goals he could have is building a raft or some kind of boat to leave the island. Also there should be some kind of system in which they can signal anyone who is close enough to rescue them. Ex. smoke during the day and fire at night or objects on the ground.

gabeahlers said...

Ralph should keep in mind that he needs to focus on survival and rescue just as much, if not more, than just "having fun" while they are on the island.

RobertIngersoll1106 said...

Ralph should remember that they need to work on survival. Also to set rule and to work together. And that they should remember that to not to play around.

2nd Block