
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Sunday, April 10, 2011

There will be lots of rules...

In chapter 5, Ralph must add to his earlier two-fold mission: get rescued and have fun. At the night assembly, he makes several additional rules. Which of the rules do you think is most important for the boys on the island? Why? In our society, we have many rules, as well. Which rule do you think is most important for our current society? Why? (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight Tuesday, April12, 2011.)


bsg2011 said...

The rule i think is most important is to keep the conch. I think this is a good rule to keep becaus without the conch the authority would be nothing and trouble would be there. The rule important for our society is to keep trouble down. i think this is good because if not the problems would be everywhere.

amanda m said...

The rule I think is that important on the boys island is the rule about not letting the fire go out. I think that this rule is important because it is there source of being resuce. A rule I think is important in our society is the conch rule. The conch symbolizes authority, assembly, and order. Without the conch in our society there would be caious.

mlm18 said...

The rule that I think is most important for the boys on the island is to not let the fire go out. This is most important because the fire is the boys source of being rescued and without the fire and smoke to signal any passing boats or planes the boys will never be rescued unless its by chance. The rule in our current society that is most important is due process which states that a person must be tried in court and proven guilty before convicted of a crime. Without this rule a crime could be committed and people could just point fingers at anyone and they would be convicted and sent to jail or worse for a crime they might not have done.

HF2BLK said...

I think the most important rule the boys have is to keep the fire ablaze. The fire is their key signal to get rescued. Without the fire the boys have no way of showing the rest of the world they exist on the small island. One rule I believe to be important in our society is the rule of the conch. The conch is the boys symbol of authority and order. Without the conch, i believe the boys will become savage.