
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tale and more Tales

We have read "The Pardoner's Tale" and "The Wife of Bath's Tale." Which of these two did you find more interesting? Give two reasons. (The deadline to post a reply this blog is midnight Tuesday, November 9, 2010.)


Unknown said...

I find "The Wife of Bath's Tale" to be more interesting than "The Pardoner's Tale". The Wife of Bath's tale is very interesting and good humored. It is not intended to mock or offend any of the other travelers. It also covers the subject of women's power which I found interesting because I was unaware that women's rights an idea of this time period.

Unknown said...

I find the "Wife of Bath's Tale" to be the most interesting because it is romantic and it shows thst looks do not always matter. In this tale the man just listened to the woman and in the end still got what he wanted, her to become beautiful and young. The moral behind the story is also entertaining because all women really want is to be heard and to have power and usually it is a win win situation.

Unknown said...

Even though both of the tales were very interesting, I find the Wife of Bath's tale to more knowledgable and entertaining. The Wife of Bath told a tale that was entertaining to both male and female readers which is hard to do. She educated the male mind and further enhanced the female mind with vivd details and explanations. Event though the story strayed off topic somewhat, the Wife of Bath succeeded with getting her point across.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed both stories; however, i loved the Wife of Bath's tale. She made a claim about what women want, and she proved it by giving an example. She was very humorous throughout her tale. She told a romantic story that, in my opinion, appeals to both men and women. The Wife of Bath's tale was truly enjoyable.

Connor R said...

I liked "The Pardoner's Tale." I thought it was very clever. I liked how the rioters set off to find death the person and ended up dying in the end. I also thought it was interesting because of the storyteller. The Pardoner did everything that he preached against.

VictoriaN said...

Although both tales were very interesting, I found "The Pardoner's Tale" to be more entertaining than "The Wife of Bath's Tale." The Wife's tale had a very interesting way of presenting the moral of her story that women most desire power. However, the Pardoner's tale had more action than the other tale which contained more dialogue. Not only did it show the irony of the character's greed, but the story also showed the hypocrisy of the Pardoner.