
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Monday, November 15, 2010

Canterbury Parade

Today, you heard the reports about the tales. Which one did you find most interesting? Would you like to read it and why? (The deadline to post to this question is midnight, Friday, November 19, 2010.)


Connor R said...

Based on the reports given Monday, I think "The Reeve's Tale" seems most interesting. Like many of the stories, "The Reeve's Tale" is lewd, but it also seems to be one of the most exciting and funny tales. The trouble that arose from moving a cradle makes me want to read it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to read "The Reeve's Tale." Although it was a little scandalous, it seemed to be very interesting. It sounded like it was the most hilarious and exciting. There was so much drama going on; therefore, it was always entertaining and filled with situational irony.

Unknown said...

The tale i found to be most interesting was the Manciple's Tale. I thought this to be the most interesting because not only was the moral good, but also the story line stayed interesting. I beleive that this tale stayed interesting to me because i could relate to it. I could relate because it was based on basically gossip and who did what stuff that interests most every girl.

Unknown said...

I found "The Merchant's Tale" to be the most interesting. Though I did not agree with the moral, I understand the position and the story line seemed to be very interesting. It contained several elements such as romance and drama, and I believe that the story is relatable to modern times. I would very much like to read this story in the future.

Nikki Cordray said...

The scandle and excitment made "The Reeve's Tale" most appealing to me. Tiffany, Alex, and Nicole did a wonderful job describing the hilarity and irony in the story. Thier description of "The Reeve's Tale" made it sound like it could be a winning story and it is the tale I would like to read.

Unknown said...

During the presentations I found that "The Merchants Tale" stood out the most to me. I did not like that the Merchants lesson that wives should be obedient. However, I did find the story to be interesting and I would enjoy taking the time to read it.