
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Books That Made a Difference

When I was in the 8th grade, I was extremely bored in my English class. I would finish my work in the first 20 minutes of class and sit there for the next 40 minutes, bored to tears. My teacher, Mr. Bradshaw, noticed that I was bored and he handed me a copy of The Scarlet Letter. "Read this," he said, "I think you will enjoy it and we can talk about it when you are finished." At first I didn't want to read a book I wasn't going to have to write a report on or take a test about, but then I started reading it. It was the most amazing story, filled with inspiration and thought-provoking passages. The book helped me to see the value of being responsible, of being an individual, and of doing good with your life. That book made a difference in my life. What is a book that you have read that taught you something? made you think? or made a lasting impression? How? (The deadline to post a comment on this blog is midnight Thursday, Aug. 12th.)


seanrobinson said...

I know you've gotten this before, but the book that has made a lasting impression on me personally is "The Road". Ultimately, this book taught me the value of appreciating my father more and there is no other love like that between a father and son. This questioned my own relationship with my dad and I realized that it wasn't where I wanted it. So..."The Road" is the book which made a lasting impression on me.

MB-3 said...

One of my favorite books that has made a lasting impression is "The Last Song." Nicholas Sparks is an amzing author and really makes me think. This book made me appreciate my family and reiterated that not everyone is going to live forever. I have spent much more time with my parents, my brother, and my grandparents since reading it.

EJ3 said...

A book that has made a lasting impression on my life is the Bible. I have read so much of the Bible, especially in the past two months, and I do not think any book compares. The Bible is full of unlimited advice and lessons to learn that helps me daily. I know that no matter how I am feeling whether it be happy, sad, or mad, I can open the Bible and find a passage to read to help me express this feeling. The Bible is not just one of those books that you read then forget, it will always be my inspiration in everything I do.

derekwestbrook25 said...

A book that I have read that has made a lasting impression on my life is "Looking For Alaska." This book made me realize how quickly everything can go from being joyful and happy to chaotic and being at a loss. Life is too short to take let it go by and not stop and "smell the roses." All it takes is one stupid decision and everything can be gone.

km3 said...

One book that has impacted my life greatly is "The Secret". It has taught me the importance of being a positive person. One major lesson it has taught me is to change my outlook. It teaches that all dreams are attainable no matter how big. Every time I read it I get inspired all over again.

Meg Hines said...

The book that has made a lasting impact on my life is "My Sister's Keeper". The cancer patient's sister selflessly sacrificed for her sister, but did not expect anything in return. This book inspires me to give of myself like the patient's sister did. I do not need to receive anything in return; I give because I care about that person.