
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Friday, December 6, 2013

Don't shake your gory locks at me...

Today, in Act III, Macbeth was visited by Banquo's ghost.  Does he deserve to be haunted with fear and paranoia or is he an innocent victim of the witches and his wife's manipulation?  Explain.  (The deadline to post a response is midnight, Sunday, December 8, 2013.)


Anna Viola said...

I believe that he does deserve the fear and paranoia. Everyone has to make choices in life. Other people will always try and manipulate us and make us their victim. But when we make the wrong choice we shouldn't blame the ones manipulating us. I think Macbeth chose his fate. He could have easily made the choice to not kill Duncan. AV1

Unknown said...

I believe that Macbeth does deserve paranoia. He had the choice to kill Duncan or to not kill Duncan. Even though his wife manipulated him, he chose that way to go. When people do bad things they get bad things in return. Manipulation happens to everyone. It is in our favor to decide what things we choose to do in life. There will always be consequences and Macbeth deserved the haunting of fear and paranoia.