
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Friday, October 18, 2013

This belongs to us...

As Ralph looks down from the top of the bastion of the island, he exclaims, "This belongs to us!" Much like an explorer discovering a new land, Ralph has found himself in charge of a new world--an island of boys. What advice would you give Ralph to keep in mind as he is chief? What is the main thing he must do? Why? (The deadline to post a response is midnight, Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013.)


Patrick Rager said...

The main thing Ralph must do is be a loyal leader. He has to be a leader figure which means making the right choices that are beneficial to everyone in the group. The advice I would give to Ralph would be to always so focused and think things through.PR1

Anna Viola said...

I would tell him to not let the power go to his head and be sure he does the responsible things first like making shelter, gathering food, etc.AV1