
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rules! Rules! Rules!

In chapter 5 at the night assembly, Ralph makes the statement that "the rules are all we have." How important are rules? Why? Which rules are most important in life? Why? (The deadline to post a comment to this question is midnight Saturday, September 18, 2010.)


Anonymous said...

Megan Browder
I think rules are the most important. Without rules, the boys won't survive or get rescued. Also, I think responsibility is an important rule in life. Not ignoring injustices, treating others with respect, and not thinking everything is someone else's job are examples of what would make society work better.

Katharine said...

I think rules are very important. Rules are important because without them everything would be chaotic. People would run around doing whatever they please. I think the most important rule in the world is the "Golden Rule." Treating people how I would like to be treated is important because I want to be respected so I need to show respect to them.

Unknown said...

I think that rules, especially for these boys, are extremely important. A world without rules would obviously be chaotic and nothing would ever be accomplished. The strongest, most violent people would rule over the world with an iron fist. As proven by history, this never ends well. Rules are necessary for the happiness of the general public, as it is only with rules that men have equal rights and opportunity. The most important rule, in my opinion, is humanitarianism. It is important for man to treat his fellow man and all living creatures with respect and care. If man does not practice this rule, it will not be long before humankind loses all sense of humanity and becomes something unimaginably evil.

Unknown said...

The rules are very important as they are in every society. The rules are keeping some civilization on the island. If it was not for rules, people would not have anything to live by. Therefore, who could imagine what societies might be doing and how they would be acting. The most important rule in society is to do the right thing. Unfortunately, this rule is never said straightforward and people often do not follow this rule.

derekwestbrook25 said...

In today's society, rules are vital. Without them, I could walk up to a person, punch him in the face, take his money, walk away, and everything would be fine. I belive the most important rule is the Golden Rule. If people were to follow this rule, the world would be in a much better place. I would rather die than live on this earth if there were no rules.

Unknown said...


Rules are one of the most important things to these stranded boys. These rules are the last thing the boys can use to relate to civilization and their past lives. Rules help keep our society controlled and civilized. The most important rule in our lives today is the Golden Rule. Which says "do on to others as you wish to be treated". This rule is critical because it would help keep the world safer and better for all people.

Unknown said...

The rules are important because everyone needs rule to know how to live and what is expected of them. I believe that the rules are important for these boys because they are the closest thing they have to an actual civilization and society. The golden rule is the most important rule in life for it is true in many cases. If people treated others as they would like to be treated then everyone would be treated good simply because no one wants to be treated badly.

Connor R said...

Rules, whether governmentally established or personally set, are exceptionally important. They help keep order, and they can be guidelines for personal ethics. Nevertheless, I think society has too many rules. Certain rules , like respecting others and taking care of oneself, are important, but I think that people should be able to cooperate and succeed with few rules. Basic rules should be enough to keep peace in the world. People just need to understand the importance of them.

Nikki Cordray said...

I would not like to be a part of a society without rules. Rules keep society from falling to pieces. The most important rule is the Golden Rule; "Do on to others as you would have them do on to you". I think that this one rule covers everything. It is the base idea behind all other rules or laws. If I do not want to be stolen from then I should not steal from others. Rules help people hold on to civilization and a firm society. That is why I believe rules are very important in a society.