
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Monday, September 20, 2010

FaLl Of SoCiEtY

In chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies, Ralph asks Piggy, "What causes things to break up like they do?" What are two principle reasons the society on the island has started to break up? How does this reflect real society? What do you think is the main cause of problems in our society? How could this be corrected? (The deadline to post a response to this question is midnight Thursday, September 23, 2010.)


Anonymous said...

Megan Browder

The society on the island is starting to break up due to the conflict between Ralph and Jack and the skepticism and fear of the beast. In real society, society would break up if we didn't have a specific leader to follow. People in society are easily misguided and gullible. If people had stronger opinions and views, society might flow better.

Unknown said...

Society on the island is breaking up because of the jealousy and rivalry between Ralph and Jack along with the various beliefs in the, "Beast." These conflicts relate to real society because we people do the same as those little boys. People in our society are very jealous of each other and this jealousy causes a rivalry between each other. Another way we realte in our societies is in our beliefs and how strongly we feel about them. The belief of Jesus Christ is contemplated everyday everywhere. Some believe in him as our lord and savior, to some he is a prophet, and to others he does not exist. These different beliefs cause issues between one another as the belief in the beast on the island does. The main cause of seperation in sociey in my opinion is people's ego and their opinions. If people could just try to get along with one another and not try to compete and always win our problems would be solved.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The island society begins to break up for several reasons. First of all, Ralph and Jack have conflicting views of what is important. They both want to be leader so that they will accomplish their goals, and this leads to much bickering among the two. For example, Ralph believes that it is most important to be rescued, and he therefore puts an emphasis on keeping the smoke going. Jack feels that the boys should have fun and hunt all of the time, and resents Ralph when he does not praise Jack as he feels he deserves. This conflict of interest leads Jack to form an opposing society. Secondly, all of the boys on the island are scared of the beast, and this fear dictates their actions and tears them apart. After Jack leaves, many of the boys rally to Jack's side, because they feel that, as a hunter, Jack can protect them. However, some of the boys stay with Ralph, because they know and respect him as leader. The boys’ actions are reflected in our society. People in modern society have different beliefs which are the cause of different political parties, religions, and lifestyles. Also, people always want their goals to be accomplished and often bicker amongst each other to achieve this. This causes rifts between the people in our society, and this is how it is meant to be. There is no solution for this problem, because everyone has different beliefs and opinions, and that will never change. Our differing opinions are both a strength and a burden.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The society is beginning to break up for many reasons and causes. Not everybody on the island agree with each other on certain tasks and decisions which causes conflicts and relationship issues. Ralph and Jack are prime examples of this arising conflict and both strive to be leaders and be in control of things. The society begins to break up also because some of the boys agree with Jack's views and the others agree with Ralph's. This causes democracy and seperation between all the boys. This reflects on real society because every individual has their own views and agree with certain leaders on certain things in which they would rather follow that leader. Also the belief in whether or not there is a beast or not causes conflict between their society with the boys who believe there really is a beast and the ones who believe there is not. This is similiar to many beliefs of different people in society today dealing with religious beliefs or political views. Both these problems in society can never be completely fixed because every individual will always have their own views and beliefs no matter what.

Brittany said...

The society on the island has started to break up. Two reasons for this is the battle of authority and crisis. Jack and Ralph are fighting over who should be the leader, so the island has had to choose sides. Also, the crisis of the beast is causing the boys to fight and act violently. These are two issues that also cause problems in society today. For example, many problems arise with the election of the president. People takes sides because they feel one candiate is better than another, and it causes many arguements. An example of crisis is the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. When that crisis arised, people started blaming each other. The main problems in our society are caused by differing opinions. Each person think he or she is correct and do not always listen to what others have to say. Therefore, to resolve this, I feel people should start listening and considering the opinions of others.

VictoriaN said...

As young boys, they have never been responsible for themselves until landing on the island. At first they do not realize the severity of the situation. However, after the boy with the mulberry mark introduces fear, the boys begin to realize the danger. Also throughout the book, Jack and Ralph have constantly battled for control of the island. Fear and the battle for authority are the two reasons the group of boys on the island has broken up. In America, the same thing occurs during presidential elections. The nation divides in nearly half to support opposing candidates. The main cause of problems in our society is the grudges held against opposing sides. Instead of fighting minorities or our political parties, Americans should work together as one united group.

Connor R said...

In chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies, Ralph asks Piggy, "What causes things to break up like they do?" What are two principle reasons the society on the island has started to break up? How does this reflect real society? What do you think is the main cause of problems in our society? How could this be corrected?

Two principle reasons the society on the island has started to break up are the power struggle between Ralph and Jack and the lack of guidance for the boys. Ralph and Jack are the two main authority figures on island, and the boys are torn between which boy to follow. The two different parties struggle to exist peacefully, and more often than not, they do not. In addition to the power struggle, the boys have to make adult decisions by themselves. They have no guidance at all and are basically living their lives based on trial and error. Much like the boys' society, our society is often divided by different parties. Differences in opinions cause rifts among people. Though I do not know if the main problems in our society can be corrected, I believe that if people become educated and tolerant, the problems can be significantly lessened.