
Today is the day we make our choices for tomorrow. English IV will be your last language arts class prior to graduation. This is the time to gain as many skills in writing, reading, and analyzing as you possibly can. Here on this blog spot, you are free to express yourself about the things we are studying. You are reminded about being appropriate to the school environment. I welcome your mature comments.

Expressing our views

Expressing our views

Monday, January 4, 2010

What We Read...

Tell me about the best book or play you have ever read. What specifically made you like it so much? (This post closes at midnight on January 17th).


Unknown said...

The best book that I have ever read would have to be The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Soulja.I really enjoyed this book because it showed me not to take life for granted. Because one minute things may be perfect then the next they arent.It just showed me to take life one day at a time and enjoy the things you have in life;and not to take things for granted.Because you never know what will happen to you or the people you hold close to your heart.

Anonymous said...

Choosing a favorite book is like choosing a favorite song or movie, it is almost impossible. I am always switching my answer to this question. Although, if I had to choose just one as my favorite it would probably be The Chornicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I love the fantasy land that C.S. Lewis creates; it makes you escapse in to the story with the characters. What makes it my favorite book is that Lewis ties in a Christian lesson in to the story and eventually the whole series. He does it in a way that is not obnoxious or overbareing, though. It may be one of the simplest book out there to read, as it is easy for young readers to comprehend. However, it will still always have meaning to me. It will always be one of my favorites.